A GREAT addition to any food plot or backyard! This package is designed to enhance or create approximately 75 linear feet or edge habitat.
"Edge" Habitat referrs to a transition area where two habitat types meet, usually populated by a variety of trees, shrubs, grasses, and forbes because of the amount of sunlight available. Deer and many other animals preferr this type of habitat because it provides both food and cover. Unfortunately this type of habitat is in rapid decline accross the country, and with it, hundreds of species of animals including edangered songbirds, butterflies, and reptiles.
This package is designed to create new or improve existing edges by adding diversity and MAXIMUM ABUNDANCE with soft and hard mast producing trees and shrubs, planted to mimic a healthy forest ecosystem. Spread these trees and shrubs out and let naturally occuring regeneration fill in the gaps to create nesting habitat for wild turkeys and hundreds of species of birds, while creating a secure travel corridor for deer and other wildlife.
**Significant production value possible.
**Ideal for old field conversion projects.
**Blend with any other package to further improve diversity.
Orchard Edge Pack
4 Trees: customized to your location
- 2 canopy trees (nut producers)
- 2 understory trees (soft mast)
8 Shrubs: customized to your location
- 4 semi-shade
- 4 partial sun
4 Tree Survival Kits
8 Shrub Survival Kits
4a and warmer